The Bed Rock of Clean Green Energy Transition

Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE)

Quality Assurance Policy

Quality standards shall be maintained in every stage of the company’s activities or operations from personnel recruitment, procurement activities, design, construction, maintenance, installation and servicing.

In our effort to ensure that work performed conform to international standard, we have put in place a system that:

(a) Prevents the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to product, process and quality system.
(b) Identified and records any products, process and quality system problem.
(c) Initiates, recommends and provides solutions through designated channels.
(d) Controls further processing, delivery or installation of non-conforming product until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected.

Furthermore, it is the policy of BARUCH&ZURIEL LTD. to ensure the provision of Qualified and competent project team; Adequate tools and equipment that will guarantee the desired quality is achieved; An operations/financial system designated to guarantee adequate support to all project activities in such a way that quality standard are not lowered or impaired.
Management shall review quality systems at defined intervals throughout project duration sufficient to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness in stratifying requirement of the latest edition of international quality standards and company’s stated quality policy and objectives.

Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Policy

It is the policy of BARUCH&ZURIEL LTD. that its operations should be carried out at all times in such a way as to ensure that Health, Safety, Environment and Security of its employees and all persons likely to be affected by its operations, including sub-contractors, client and
general public are safe-guarded, and that the same dedication will be shown to the protection and conservation of environment.

This policy is to direct responsibility of the company’s senior management who are accountable to the Board of Directors for the overall implementation of this policy. Within Health, Safety, Environment and Security (HSES) is a line management responsibility
for which individual will be held accountable and it is recognized that implementation by line management of this policy that will lead to greater efficiency and higher standards throughout all departments within the company. The duty of all employees is to take reasonable care of their own safety, and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions, in compliance with the Government Regulation as well as the Industries and Clients Standards.